Harley Davidson V4 Engine ?



In 2007, we wrote about the Harley Davidson Nova V4 engine  project from way back in the mid 1970s. AMF owned Harley in those years and decided a V4 wasn’t a profitable venture so they killed it. Then, in 2009, there were rumors of a new Harley V4 project. This one was supposedly around 1600cc, with a 72 degree V angle and output around 170 horsepower. Cycle World in May of 2009 wrote a short piece referring to the rumors, but had few details to add. Those were some lean years at the Motor Company with the economy crashing around it and the V4 seemed to disappear as did talk of the project.

在2007年曾经提到万博体育maxbextx官网登录戴维森公司可能要做一个V4引擎的传闻,其实早在20世纪70年代万博体育maxbextx官网登录戴维森还在老东家AMF(美国机械压铸厂)的时候就已经有想做V4的打算,因为AMF(美国机械压铸厂)觉得这可能是个砸钱的买卖,所以把这个项目给毙掉了,2009年业界又开始传闻万博体育maxbextx官网登录公司可能已经开始研发一个72度夹角排量为1600cc 170匹马力的V4发动机,现在终于爆出了照片。


what’s a fuck,万博体育maxbextx官网登录还有完没完了,和保时捷弄了完水冷V2后现在又开始搞V4了,难道这几年万博体育maxbextx官网登录公司的生意变的这么好了?这玩意到底是用在什么车型上呢?很好奇有没有,传统的铁杆万博体育maxbextx官网登录粉知道这个消息后不知道有没有哭晕在厕所的^_^!
